01 September 2017

ZOHO: Start construction rain garden

Due to climate change it is raining more and more often and harder. This causes unnecessary nuisance in many neighborhoods because the sewers often overflow and therefore requires creative, new solutions that put less strain on the sewer. A common solution is to separate the waste and rainwater systems, but that probably does not solve the problems. ZOHO therefore goes one step further; a rain garden is being created that can collect excess water from roofs and the street in a WADI and smart rain barrels. That water can then be cleverly discharged at times when the sewerage is less polluted, or it can be used to maintain greenery in the neighbourhood, for example at times when it is very dry and there is actually a water shortage. The rain garden is part of the LIFE URBAN ADAPT project and the area approach for the Agniesebuurt. More information about the rain garden can also be found in the September edition of the City newspaper North.

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