April 19, 2023

Inspiration and network day urban wet nature as a climate solution

On April 18, 2023, Natuurpunt Beheer Vlaanderen organized an inspiration day with the LIFE project Wetlands4cities in Mechelen.

The inspiration day provided insight into some examples of nature-oriented climate solutions in and around cities in Flanders and the Netherlands. The positive effects of wet nature for water buffering, infiltration, cooling, CO2 capture and mental well-being in and around cities were explained using concrete examples and realizations in the field. In addition, results of academic research were shown that visualize the effect of (wet) nature.

The LIFE Urban Adapt project manager was invited to give a presentation: Inspiration Project LIFE Urban ADAPT from Rotterdam, an example project from the Netherlands with solutions for flood reduction, tackling the heat island effect and protecting the fauna and flora.

There was also an explanation of the LIFE project wetlands4Cities as a solution for climate-adaptive cities in Flanders with 6 concrete practical examples.

A very instructive day for all participants, with a lot of inspiration for the future.

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